For Parent
Support All Parents who are Their Child’s First Teacher, Forever.
We started from the intrinsic natures of parent, especially generation-Y and generation-Z parent, who have educated themselves with state-of-the-art parenting mindset and spend their assets focusing on grooming their children with different approaches from the past generation.
Nowadays we invest a lot on good school, teacher, community, and ecosystem for our next generation. We, as a parent, want to know more about our children's school-life, which increases our demanding to have more communication with teacher and school. Furthermore, every moments of children are invaluable memories for parent, we keep every single growing progression of small kid as achievement and great present for parent.

With mana, parent will be closer with classroom, no matter how busy they are during daytime, all important notices and announcements from teacher, classroom, or school will be right there in their palm when they prompt to be acknowledged and respond, no more missing of their children's stories and activities. All assignments will be well-organized by teacher, with assist from mana, and class members will have more enjoyable time to finish their homework together. In addition, your kid's creativeness and intelligence including artistic drawing, painting canvas, and ingenious primary mathematics jotting note, altogether with their achievement badges from teachers will be kept timelessly in mana platform.