For Teacher
Delightful Solutions designed for All Teachers
Our team focuses first and foremost on actual value of the solution to its real users by adopting innovation. For mana, We put utmost focus to design and develop features to assist teachers - who are long-term users of the solution - even making sure that every single button in mana platform will at least help teachers to groom our kids with more efficiency and less effort.
Because of this, we come up with three foundation features of mana that will daily assist the schooling activities: (a) classroom announcements - feature to help teacher to effortlessly communicate with parent, (b) classroom homework management - feature that simplify homework assignment and follow up, and (c) parent digital ID - feature to assist school to effectively but safely check-out student at school dismissal.

Mana is better for teacher
The current available platforms elsewhere are functional viable but inadequate to serve sense of caring to community, also, they require users to download additional application.
mana works different - we immerse among users in the place where parents and teachers already use the channel for chatting. The way of assisting of mana also based on the new role of teacher, as teaching is not main job of teacher anymore, instead, teacher of the 21th century is absolutely a learning facilitator - who facilitates and accommodates classroom to learning by doing - and that's what mana is designed to be - a facilitating tools for learning facilitator.